R U OK Day in Australia

Today, the 8th of September, is R U OK?Day. In Australia, it’s a national day of action and a reminder to regularly check in with family, friends and workmates.

So make sure you ask others if they are ok or not. Asking is not enough. People will not say, they are not ok. Look for symptoms of deeper mental health.

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We all have lost touch with somebody or the other.
Reconnect to make more time for the people who matter.
Why?  If you initiate the conversation, it can break the ice.
You never know, it can save someone’s life

Start a conversation. Ask “Are you ok?”
Listen. Pay attention. Do not judge
Encourage action, in the right direction.
Help people around you feel ok.


So here I am asking my readers: Are you ok? You are free to share your problems with me, either via your comments here, or contact me. You never know, some reader may come up with a solution to your problem.
Need some extra support, about your own problems or that of others around you? For confidential advice and support 24/7 call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 (Australia only). Find other supports at www.ruok.org.au/find-help


Source of this post: R U OK?

Author: Alka

Writer, poet, artist and social activist. A former educationist and radio anchor, I've also worked in the public service, banking and IT. In my blogs, you will find my original poems, short-stories and long articles on variety of themes - particularly social, motivational and inspirational. Music, art and photography are my other interests that I often integrate within my writings.

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